In 2023 Starpeak featured in a number of press-release publications following the launch of our new company name ‘Starpeak’

Like many Founders and Directors, our Managing Director Julian Hucks has a busy schedule! In an interview with Business Leader, Julian gave an insight into his working day and how he juggles managing the company with his personal schedule.

Julian Hucks was also invited to participate in a Fireside Chat at an InsurTechs LIVE Virtual Event. The LIVE event is now available to watch on Youtube. You can hear Julian’s invaluable insight on the future of insurance in a digital era.

Insurance Age interviewed our Founder and Director, Julian Hucks, who shed light on diversification and delivering a personalised touch in the insurance sector. The interview uncovered the importance of innovation and putting customers first while staying focused on Starpeak’s specific business objectives and growth plans.

Starpeak was featured in a piece published by Insurance Edge whereby Julian delved into Starpeak’s history, future plans and ways the business has adapted to the changing markets it operates within.

Finally, Julian was interviewed and featured in a piece published by Business Age. Our director gave an insight into how Starpeak was formed, the inspiration and an overview into Starpeak as a business.

The last quarter of 2023 saw a number of press features for Starpeak and specifically our Managing Director, Julian Hucks. Not only has this been great to spread brand awareness, but it has been a great opportunity to delve into and spread the backstory, plans and day-to-day insights here at Starpeak.


Strong partnerships have been integral to our success. We’re always open to explore new opportunities.


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